I Have Read That Amyloidosis AL Affects The Nerves. Assuming That Is True How Does It Manifest Itself?
I am attempting to understand the cause of severe pain in my thighs. Sometimes just one and sometimes both at the same time and sometimes along with calf and foot cramps.
The pain in the thigh is not a cramp. Just sudden and intense pain that is hard to control except by strong pain meds which I prefer not to take.
Always occurs when resting in a recliner.
My husband has neuropathy in his feet, shins, and fingertips. He is bothered most at night when lying down, when his feet and legs become painful. He has found that gabapentin helps. You might ask your medical team whether that is something worth considering.
I get foot and ankle cramps at night. I’ve found Voltairin stops the cramp with in 10 minutes. The pain is brutal. My wife thinks it’s because I’m dehydrated, but with a diuretic, I pee constantly.
At the beginning of treatment my nerve pain was bad but now all I have is the neuropathy in my feet
Yup, that’s another thing he has. We didn’t think of that as nerve problems. Thank you!
With me is a feeling of hot water burning my limps.
For Those Who Have Wild Type And Took The Covid Vaccines. How Many Were Diagnosed After Getting The Jabs. Pfizer 1 & 2 And Follow Up?
I Have Very Severe Poly Neuropathy What Can I Do? I Have To Use A Walker Nerve Damage Re EMG. Sudden Severe Pain Back Of Legs
Anyone In This Group Has Multi Myeloma And AL Amylodosis?How Was It Discovered?what Are Your Treatments? Did You Have To Get A Specialist